Probability calculator to help identify how likely it is that an option will be below, between and above different price ranges. Also includes the underlying prices for Standard Deviations from -3 to +3. Twitter: @ivolatility
A range of rankers and scanners designed to find option spreads (and other strategies). These can be used to locate and rank options by volatility, open interest, technical analysis and fundamental factors as well as options-specific criteria. Twitter: @ivolatility
CBOE Livevol offers a range of options analysis, back-testing and trade identification products in addition to data feeds. The reports and tools section of their website also includes some utilities to view volatility, calculate options prices and view large options trades. Twitter: @LivevolForums
An Excel-based Black Scholes options calculator that generates prices for calls and puts as well as values for greeks and implied volatility. Includes a useful PDF guide which explains both the mechanics of using the spreadsheet and the theory behind it also. Useful both as a options calculator and learning aid.
OptionAutomator is an options trade ranking algorithm and trade management tool. The software appears to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques to optimise its suggestions and also includes some template strategies to use as a basis. Twitter: @OptionAutomator
Advanced web-based screener for finding spreads and strategies. Requires an annual subscription, but a free edition is available with three week delayed data.
An Options analysis, back-testing and trade management tool. OptionNET (aka ONE) also includes an options education course provided by Dan Sheridan. Twitter: @OptionNET
Joe Kunkle's site combining software tools for scanning for potential options trades and access to his insights and sample portfolios. Twitter: @OptionsHawk
Calculator which estimates the profit/loss (in dollar terms, not as a payoff diagram) for many common options strategies like credit spread, iron condors, butterflies etc. Twitter: @opcalc
On-line options payoff diagram generator and Black Scholes pricing calculator. This tool enables multi-legged options strategies to be modelled and other parameters to be adjusted (e.g implied volatility) to see the effects.
A free to download option pricing spreadsheet based on Black-Scholes. This Excel calculator also generates options profit and loss payoff diagrams and greeks for each position. Twitter: @optiontips
A sophisticated backtesting platform for options strategies. OptionStack has a visual environment for building strategies and it is also possible to use Scala to code them. There are various pricing plans available, including a free edition. Twitter: @optionstack
OptionVue develop Options analysis and trading software. Their flagship OptionVue application tracks volatility and events like earnings updates to help options traders identify potentially profitable positions. Twitter: @OptionVueJim
ORATS is an options data provider covering historical volatility, dividends, earnings modeling techniques and back-testing facilities (amongst others). The data is accessible via an API and associated Excel-based tools. Twitter: @optionrats â€
Volatility is an advanced subscription-based options screening and back-testing tool that offers fifteen years of options pricing data on 600 stocks, futures and ETFs. Twitter: @getvolatility