Trade King
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Options broker that also provides trading education, tools and brokerage for other financial instruments such as Stocks and ETFs.

Twitter: @tradeking

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Trade King Links from Options Glossary Terms

Cash Secured Naked Put

Selling Cash-Secured Puts For Income
Trade King article on how to use cash secured naked puts as a method to generate income from options.


Collar AKA Risk Reversal; Fence
TradeKing article explaining the pros and cons of collars or reversals.

Covered Call

How to Write Covered Calls: 5 Tips for Success
TradeKing article explaining the basics of covered calls.

Trade King Videos from Options Glossary Terms

Bear Put Spread

Bear Put Spread How to Video
Brian Overby of broker Tradeking (who wrote most of the strategy articles for ) introduces the Bear Put spread, debit strategy.

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